ご当地ラーメン 九州&北海道ご当地ラーメン6店舗12食セット 常温保存 半生麺(Japanese Local ramen: Kyushu & Hokkaido local ramen 6 stores 12-serving set) [T27FST62125]
本体価格: 4,644Yen
重み: 3600g
Item Information
This set contains 6 kinds of famous ramen from Hokkaido in the north and Kyushu in the south.
We have gathered together super-famous ramen stores located in the ramen battlegrounds of Asahikawa, Sapporo, and Hakodate in Hokkaido, and Kumamoto and Hakata in Kyushu.
This set is recommended as a souvenir or a prize for a competition. We hope you will enjoy the delicious taste of each store's specialties.
旭川ラーメン青葉(2食)■ちぢれ細麺 ■醤油スープ
札幌ラーメン桑名(2食)■ちぢれ中細麺 ■味噌スープ
函館ラーメン一文字(2食)■ウェーブ細麺 ■塩スープ
熊本ラーメン大黒(2食)■ストレート細麺 ■豚骨スープ
博多ラーメン秀ちゃん(2食)■ストレート細麺 ■濃厚とんこつスープ
博多ラーメンだるま(2食)■極細麺 ■背油たっぷりとんこつスープ
Set includes
Asahikawa Ramen Aoba (2 servings) ■Curly thin noodles ■Soy sauce soup
Sapporo Ramen Kuwana (2 servings): Medium thin, coiled noodles ■Miso soup
Hakodate Ramen Ichimonji (2 servings) Wavy thin noodles ■Salt soup
Kumamoto Ramen Daikoku (2 servings): Straight, thin noodles, pork bone soup
HAKATA RAMEN SHU-CHAN (2 servings) Straight, thin noodles Thick tonkotsu (pork bone) soup
HAKATA RAMEN DARUMA (2 servings): Extra-thin noodles, thick tonkotsu (pork bone) soup with plenty of back oil
【賞味期限】 | 最短賞味期限 2025年05月18日 |
【保存方法】 | 常温保存 |
【原産国】 | 日本 |
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